From CATCH curriculum;
Attendence, greetings, "Hey there!"Vocabulary: the words: SHAPE, COLOR...triangle, circle, oval, square, trapezoid, diamond, hexagon, cross, heart, star.
Key Phrases:
What SHAPE/COLOR is it?
It's a (adj+ _____.)
Review the rainbow color song.
LEARN NEW: Students take turns pulling felt shapes from the bag what SHAPE is it? It's a triangle. What COLOR is it? It's a red triangle.
PLAY Categories
lap*lap*clap*clap* snap twice and say (red diamond...yellow square...) for a challenge, speed up the clapping. when kids can't come up with it, have them sit just outside the circle.
PLAY circle game: Not a_____ But a ______.
sit in a circle and give the kids a felt shape. Ask, "What SHAPE is it?"
"It's a circle!" tell them OH NO! it's not a 'circle,' it's a _______"
..get creative. encourage the kids to get creative, and act out what it COULD be!
... a cookie
... a cushion
... a compass
... an eye-patch
Hand out worksheet for homework. How many, pp 31 & 53 color, cut & paste!
When you bring it back and you get a sticker in the book!